History student's perspectives on personal tutors

By Student Voice
personal tutorhistory


In the academic process of history students, personal tutors play an important role, providing academic guidance and personal support. Engaging with personal tutors allows history students to express their views and concerns in a quiet setting, which is paramount for their academic growth and personal development. Text analysis of student feedback and surveys often indicates that effective communication between students and their tutors leads to a more productive learning environment. It is important to look into how these relationships are built and maintained. On the one hand, some history students report that personal tutors significantly aid their understanding of complex historical contexts. Conversely, others might feel less supported, pointing towards areas needing attention from higher education staff. Evaluating these perspectives helps in understanding the broader implications of tutor-student interactions in shaping student experiences. Thus, institutions and staff must continually adapt their approaches to tutoring, aiming to enhance accessibility and responsiveness, thereby ensuring that all students feel they have a voice and are supported throughout their academic process.

Tutor Availability: Navigating Office Hours

Navigating the availability of tutors during office hours presents a critical challenge for history students. Here, the key concern often revolves around not feeling sufficiently recognised or attended to by personal tutors. Universities must address this issue head-on to improve their academic support services. On one hand, some students find the designated office hours adequate, as these sessions provide a platform for detailed discussions and personalised advice. Conversely, there are students who feel that the office hours are not flexible enough, particularly for those involved in complex historical research or those balancing part-time jobs. It is important to note that enhancing tutor availability could significantly improve mentorship and academic outcomes. Strategies might include scheduling online consultations, which have become increasingly popular, providing flexibility and alleviating the constraints of physical meetings. Additionally, utilising text analysis tools to study feedback on tutor interactions can guide institutions in optimising office hours to better meet student needs. Staff should thus be encouraged to experiment with mixed formats and extended hours to ensure that every history student has access to personal and academic guidance when needed.

Support System: Responsiveness of Tutors

The responsiveness of personal tutors and support staff is highly important in addressing both academic and pastoral issues for history students. When tutors respond swiftly to enquiries, history students typically report a much higher satisfaction with their educational experience. This timely interaction not only resolves immediate academic concerns but also supports students emotionally, proving essential during stressful periods like exam preparation or dissertation writing. On one hand, some staff excel at maintaining quick and effective communication, which greatly enhances the students' trust and reliance on the tutoring process. Conversely, a delayed or inadequate response can increase students' anxiety and potentially hinder their academic progression. Thus, it's key for staff to continuously strive to improve communication channels, ensuring they respond effectively to students' needs. Implementing systems like regular follow-ups could also reassure students of their tutors’ commitment to their academic success. Institutions could further benefit from utilising CRM systems to manage and monitor interactions, ensuring every query or concern raised by a history student is addressed promptly. Therefore, maintaining a reliable and responsive support system is not just beneficial but necessary to foster a conducive learning environment.

Communication: Varied Approaches by Tutors

Personal tutors in history departments demonstrate a variety of communication styles, each with its unique impact on the student experience. On one hand, some tutors prefer a formal, academic-oriented approach, focusing on structured feedback and task-oriented dialogue. This method tends to be effective for students who appreciate clear, direct guidance and an organised structure to their learning process. Conversely, other tutors adopt a more informal, conversational style that might include discussing broader historical issues and integrating personal anecdotes. This approach often appeals to students who seek a deeper, more relatable connection with their tutor, which can significantly enhance their engagement and motivation.

It is important to note that neither style is universally better; the effectiveness largely depends on the students' individual preferences and learning styles. Staff should actively seek to understand these preferences through open channels of communication, potentially leveraging student surveys or informal feedback sessions. By embracing this diversity in tutoring approaches, institutions can cater to a wider range of student needs, making the academic process more inclusive and supportive. Emphasising the student voice in this manner not only helps tutors refine their methods but also empowers students by valuing their input in the educational process.

Emotional Aspects: Addressing Student Anxieties

Understanding and addressing the anxieties of history students is a fundamental aspect of the support provided by personal tutors. Students starting their studies in history are often met with a range of stresses, from academic pressures to the challenges of integrating into a university environment. Personal tutors act as a key point of contact for these students, providing both academic guidance and emotional support.

Anxieties can particularly escalate around times of significant academic deadlines such as exams or during the process of dissertation writing. At this stage, the presence, or perceived absence, of support from a personal tutor can greatly impact a student's ability to cope with stress. It is important to note that while some tutors are highly proactive in offering support, others may not recognise the signals of distress or anxiety in students, leading to feelings of neglect. As such, training staff to recognise and respond to emotional cues becomes important.

By fostering an environment where students feel comfortable expressing their concerns, personal tutors can better address these emotional challenges. This includes encouraging open discussions about anxiety and stress, and ensuring that students feel their concerns are heard and valued—an essential part of enhancing the student voice. Engaging students in such a supportive dialogue helps not only in alleviating immediate stresses but also in building resilience for future challenges.

Personal Interaction: Building Relationships with Tutors

Building meaningful relationships with personal tutors is often a concern among history students, highlighting the importance of personal interaction in the academic process. Personal tutors serve not just as educators but as crucial mentors who influence students' academic and personal development. On one hand, a strong tutor-student relationship can enhance the student’s understanding of historical material and provide a supportive platform for discussing academic anxieties. Conversely, a lack of personal connection can lead to a sense of isolation and decreased motivation.

Effective personal interaction begins with staff availability and a willingness to invest time in getting to know the students personally. Here, communication plays a fundamental role. For instance, regular one-to-one meetings can offer much-needed academic support and are a prime opportunity for tutors to engage more deeply with individual student concerns. It is equally important that these interactions go beyond just academic advice providing a space where students feel comfortable sharing their concerns about their studies and university life in general.

Furthermore, integrating technologies such as CRM systems to manage interactions can ensure no student feels overlooked. This thoughtful approach to personal tutor relationships can truly elevate the educational experience for history students, fostering a nurturing and responsive academic environment.

Assistance Level: Dissertation Support

For history students, the dissertation writing process is often the culmination of their academic experience. Here, the support from personal tutors becomes especially important. History students frequently report varying levels of assistance which can significantly influence their ability to research and write effectively. On one hand, a tutor who actively engages with students, offering clear guidance and timely feedback, can greatly enhance the quality and depth of the final dissertation. Conversely, tutors who are less accessible or responsive can lead to increased student stress and potential challenges in achieving academic objectives.

It is important for staff to recognise their key role in this process, being readily available to provide necessary academic advice and emotional support. Personal tutors should ideally be proactive in scheduling regular meetings and check-ins, adapting their support to suit the specific needs of each student. This might involve discussing structure, research avenues, or even the intricacies of academic writing. Institutions could also benefit from facilitating workshops or seminars focused on dissertation planning and execution, thus broadening the support network available to students. This tailored approach not only aids students in managing their large projects effectively but also significantly contributes to their academic and personal growth within the field of history.

Staff Communication: Impact of University Leadership

The role of university leadership is integral in shaping the effectiveness of personal tutors. Leaders' decisions and strategies directly influence how well tutors can perform their duties and support history students. Efficient communication from the top impacts the availability and responsiveness of tutors, which, in turn, affects students' academic and personal development. On one hand, when university management actively listens to and addresses tutor concerns, this can lead to improved practices that support rich, engaging mentorship. Conversely, if leadership neglects these aspects, or does not convey clear expectations, the quality of tutoring can suffer dramatically.

For instance, during past strikes, some university leaders managed to maintain an open dialogue and respond practically to tutors' demands, which minimised disruptions in the mentoring process. On the other hand, institutions where leadership communication was lacking often saw prolonged discontent among staff, creating gaps in the support network for students. It's therefore clear that the link between effective leadership and tutor satisfaction is important, as it directly correlates with the educational outcomes of history students. Engaging with and acting upon tutor feedback is not just about resolving immediate issues but is a cornerstone in building a supportive academic environment for both staff and students.


Summarising the various insights explored in this blog post, it is evident that the role of personal tutors is multifaceted and encompasses a broad spectrum of responsibilities. Addressing the concerns and enhancing the support system for history students requires a combined effort from both staff and university leadership. Importantly, the dynamic between personal tutors and students is a fundamental aspect that shapes the educational experience in profound ways. Institutions should consider both traditional and innovative methods to bolster this relationship, ensuring it is adaptive to the needs of students. Attendance to emotional support and clear, responsive communication are fundamental to fostering an academically enriching environment. By emphasising the importance of building strong, supportive tutor-student relationships, universities equip history students to navigate the complexities of their studies more effectively, thereby enriching their overall academic journey. As academic institutions continue to adapt to the ever-changing needs of their students, the role of personal tutors will remain a cornerstone of educational success in the humanities.

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