What are students saying about the content of their courses?

Students generally feel that course content is often too broad, with some modules feeling irrelevant to their main study area. Many desire more specialisation and in-depth learning opportunities, particularly in areas that interest them. Some students appreciate the breadth of topics covered, but others find it overwhelming and difficult to manage.

There are mixed feelings about the balance between theoretical and practical content. Some students feel that they learn very little and are instead expected to apply generic skills to coursework without adequate guidance or support. Others value the combination of theory and practice, finding it helpful for developing their skills and knowledge.

Students often praise specific courses or modules that they find intellectually stimulating and well-taught but criticise others for being poorly organised, lacking in depth, or failing to provide adequate resources or support. Some students feel that course content is not sufficiently relevant to real-world issues or industry needs, while others appreciate the opportunities to explore topics of interest.

Many students express frustration with the pace and volume of coursework, feeling that they are expected to learn too much too quickly without sufficient time for reflection or consolidation. Others appreciate the flexibility of optional modules but sometimes struggle to choose between competing interests.

Overall, students have diverse preferences and needs regarding course content, and many feel that their programmes could be improved by offering more specialisation options, better support and resources, and a greater emphasis on practical skills and real-world relevance.

Subject specific insights on "type and breadth of course content"

type and breadth of course content + (CAH02-04-01) nursing (non-specific)

Course content in nursing education in the UK

A concise review of nursing education programs in the UK.

type and breadth of course content + (CAH03-01-02) biology (non-specific)

Course content in biology education

Exploring student experiences in Biology courses in the UK.