Student voice selected by advancehe to analyse 2022 ukes, ptes and pres free text comments
By Student Voice
Student Voice, the leading provider of text analytics to education providers, is pleased, once again to announce that Advance HE has selected Student Voice to lead on work to automatically classify all of the free text comments arising from its 2022 UK Engagement Survey (UKES), Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES) and Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES).
Building on the partnership started in 2021, Student Voice will fully automate the labelling and sentiment analysis of all of AdvanceHE's national survey comments covering over 100 UK higher-education institutions. With new labelling schemes for both UG/PGT and PGR students the analysis reports, and fully labelled comment data will be more useful than ever. In addition, Student Voice will continue to provide custom reporting to each of its partner universities highlighting areas of interest both within the institution and in comparison to the sector as a whole.
Whats new in 2022?
Building on the 2021 work with AdvanceHE and our work with individual institutions over the last year, there are key improvements in 3 mains areas:
Improved Classifiers.
- Classifiers no incorporate data from both the 2021 and 2022 UKES/PTES/PRES surveys as well as internal survey data from partner institutions.
New Categories.
- A set of brand new categories has been developed specifically for postgraduate research experience survey (PRES) and will debut alongside an updated category set for UG and PGT surveys.
Redesigned Reports.
- The reports have been rebuilt from the ground up to allow easier high-level comparisons between demographics, courses and with the sector along with individual labelled comments.
About AdvanceHE
Advance HE is a member-led, sector-owned charity that works with institutions and higher education across the world to improve higher education for staff, students and society.
Dr Stuart Grey
Founder and CEO
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