Addressing key issues in feedback for students studying english studies

By Student Voice
feedbackEnglish studies (non-specific)

Delayed Feedback on Assignments

One of the primary concerns for students in English studies is the delayed return of feedback on assignments. Such delays can hamper students' ability to learn and improve, as they do not receive timely insights into their work. This issue is especially important because timely and constructive feedback can considerably enhance a student's understanding and mastery of subject material. Waiting for prolonged periods to understand where they stand can lead to discouragement and a disconnect between learning and assessment.

Staff should evaluate current mechanisms, drawing on student voice surveys to understand how delays affect them. Utilising technology, such to quickly analyse text, can be a way forward. Instead of traditional handwritten commentary, quick marginal notes or structured comments within a digital platform can save considerable time. On the other hand, it is crucial to ensure that such rapid feedback maintains a high quality and does not become generic. The implications of delayed delivery are clear; it restricts students' potential to engage effectively in the iterative process of learning, reflecting, and improving. It is necessary for institutions to address this at both operational and strategic levels to ensure that the feedback loop is both efficient and helpful.

Inconsistency in Grading and Feedback Quality

Students often voice concerns about inconsistencies in grading and the quality of feedback they receive in English studies. This issue highlights a broader problem within the education system: the lack of standardisation. On the one hand, personalised feedback can greatly aid a student's academic development, offering tailored insights into their work. However, when standards for grading differ significantly between staff or from one piece of work to another, it can lead to confusion and a feeling of unfairness among students.

Ensuring consistency in how work is assessed and feedback is given is key to maintaining trust and fairness in the educational process. This can be approached by establishing clear and common criteria that all staff adhere to when assessing students’ work. Training and regular workshops can also help align the understanding and approaches among staff members. Importantly, making the criteria and expected standards transparent to students can also minimise misunderstandings and promote a more informed and confident approach to their learning tasks. On the contrary, not addressing these disparities can detract from the educational experience, affecting students’ engagement and their overall academic performance.

Varied Levels of Tutor Investment in Students' Education

The level of investment tutors show can hugely affect how students learning English studies progress and feel. Students often experience differing degrees of tutor engagement, which can profoundly influence both their satisfaction and their performance at university. Understanding and bridging the gap in tutor engagement are, therefore, signally important. On one hand, heightened tutor commitment can lead to more tailored and frequent feedback, aiding significantly in a student’s academic journey. Conversely, a lower level of engagement from tutors might result in less specific feedback, potentially leaving students confused about how to improve their work. It is essential for educational institutions to encourage a consistent level of enthusiasm and dedication among their staff. Workshops and continuous professional development opportunities for tutors can align teaching methods and ensure that students receive helpful, actionable feedback. Additionally, the use of text analysis tools can make the feedback loop not only quicker but also more detailed, by allowing tutors to efficiently identify key areas where students can improve. This balanced approach could foster a more uniformly positive educational experience and help mitigate discrepancies in tutor involvement.

Specificity of Marking Criteria

Addressing unclear marking criteria is key to ensuring students studying English can understand exactly what is expected of them in their assessments. The specificity of these criteria can significantly influence both the quality of the submitted work and the student's ability to improve academically. On one hand, specific and detailed criteria serve as a strong guide for students, setting out clear expectations and standards. This clarity helps students to focus their efforts more effectively and to understand the benchmarks they need to meet. Conversely, when criteria are vague or too general, students may find themselves unsure about how to tackle assignments, which can lead to mixed outcomes and increased anxiety. Staff should actively work to design and communicate detailed, easy-to-understand criteria that leaves little room for misinterpretation. This can be facilitated by including examples of good practice and offering explanations for each criterion within student handbooks and on digital learning platforms. Regular training sessions for staff on how to create and apply precise marking guidelines can further support this. Ensuring that students receive specific, actionable feedback aligned with these criteria is equally important as it bridges the gap between expectations and student performance.

Time Management Issues Due to Slow Return of Marks

Slow return of marks can significantly disrupt students' ability to effectively manage their time. In the area of English studies, where iterative learning and applying feedback is important, delayed mark return can complicate students' planning and self-regulation processes. This is particularly pressing when students need to balance multiple assignments, revisions, and their personal commitments.

An elongated feedback turnaround time makes it challenging for students to prioritise tasks or initiate subsequent coursework, as they might be unsure about the outcomes of previous submissions. This uncertainty may lead to misallocated efforts, where either too much or too little time might be spent on certain tasks based on assumed or unclear feedback. It is important for educational institutions to look into strategies that ensure a quicker feedback loop. Implementing digital tools that allow for real-time assessment and comments might be a robust solution.

On the other hand, while some students express concerns over slow feedback, others might perceive the wait as a chance to engage in other academic or personal activities. Nonetheless, achieving an optimal balance where feedback return aligns with academic schedules is key to improving time management among students. Measures aimed at accelerating the marking process should focus on maintaining the quality and individuality of the feedback, ensuring that improvements in speed do not compromise the detailed and personalised nature necessary in English studies.

Individual Student-Tutor Interaction for Better Support

Enhancing the relationship between students and tutors is a cornerstone of effective education, especially in English studies where detailed, personalised feedback is a powerful tool for academic development. Individual interactions allow tutors to give focused attention to student works, tailoring their advice and support to meet specific learning needs and academic challenges.

This one-on-one dialogue not only strengthens the bond between student and tutor but also ensures that feedback is directly applicable and deeply understood. It is important for staff to facilitate these interactions through scheduled consultations, and digital platforms that encourage continuous communication outside traditional classroom settings. Such strategies can significantly boost student confidence and autonomy in their learning process.

While some students thrive under this kind of personalised guidance, others might value independence, preferring less direct oversight. Hence, it is essential to strike a balance that respects diverse student preferences and learning styles. Implementing flexible interaction opportunities that students can opt into according to their needs can address this variety effectively. This approach not only recognises individual student voices but also enhances the overall learning experience by ensuring that support is available but not imposed.

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